Saturday, May 21, 2011


Okay, so I've been really busy lately hence the lack of posts. Had a really interesting summer, a lot of things happened, things that are definitely seared into my long term memory, summer of 2011 you rock! It's not exactly all fun and games, I went through some really tough times this month but the upside to it is that it made me all grown up, made me look at the world sans the rose colored glasses, i saw the world for what it really is and i'm now ready for it.

We only have one life to live, that I understand now. There are times when we feel like mortality is but a distant folklore, and we try to live an epicurean lifestyle, what is pleasurable is good, what is boring is bad. However, there is also pleasure in sadness, in reality, in truth. We live in an age where the myth of happiness is everybody's life goal, but the truth is you don't need to be constantly smiling and easy going to be happy. Sometimes powering through the challenges specific to your fate, to your circumstance, to your life is enough of a satisfaction. There is a profound sense of confidence when you understand that your life is yours to live and that every flaw in it is yours and yours alone and that's what makes each of our lives unique.

Try talking to any stranger on the street and you'll find that each one of them has a story to tell, each one as diverse and as interesting as the next if not more. Filipino tv makes a killing out of these stories, and these stories serve as a reminder that we don't need to conform, what makes us different is what makes us interesting.

I am interesting, that I understand now. For a long time, I wanted the life of other people I know, life that seems so charmed, so perfect, but then again that assumption is ignorant. For no one is immune to the tragedies that makes life all the more worth it. I am more comfortable with myself now, I am who I am. This is my life and I'm going to seize it as my own. I am in the zone. I am in my zone.

Mush, that's how my brain feels like right now for everything that i've been through this month. I'm taking a short break from it all, regain my bearing, and live every second of my life as my own.

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